Victims of youth crime in Queensland say they have been listened to but not heard by the state government following the establishment of two advisory committees.
Affected people have called on the Palaszczuk government for greater representation in decision-making as Queensland grapples with ongoing youth crime issues.
The government has introduced a swathe of laws cracking down on recidivist offenders and recently revealed an independent advisory group to streamline feedback to government and a bipartisan parliament youth advisory committee to be chaired by independent member Sandy Bolton.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told parliament the government continued to stand by victims of crime but Voice for Victims advocate Ben Cannon had his reservations, saying another parliamentary committee would see youth crime issues "railroaded".
"Good ideas go to die in committees that are warehoused inside of government," he said on Wednesday.
"We disagree with what they are proposing because we don't believe it's going to have any further forward movement than the committees they've had in the past."
He said another committee filled with politicians went against what victims had been calling for.
Magistrates, police officers, frontline services and indigenous leaders are what Mr Cannon and victims want to see represented on the independent advisory committee.
"We want to bring them together and we want to deal directly with cabinet. We don't want bureaucrats getting in the way of asking us questions and then interpreting what we said," he said.
"We want politicians and bureaucrats to sit on there, what we don't want them to do is to steer it."
Victims representatives have given the government until September 20 to respond to their proposed framework.
Mr Cannon was among about 250 people who marched on parliament last month demanding more rights for victims.
The government has also announced an interim victim's commissioner to assist victims in navigating the criminal justice.
Former police officer Jon Rouse will assume the role until an incumbent is announced in June 2024 and ensure victims of crime are aware of their legal rights, entitlements and financial assistance in dealing with the justice system.